What Can We Offer You At Our FAQ Page?

Youā€™ve probably come across TurkCure’s FAQ page to learn more about what TurkCure can do for you. Here is a list of questions and answers you may find helpful before deciding to contact us.

For ease of use, we have divided the Q&As into two main groups regarding our Brand and Services. The Service Q&As are further divided into two parts: before receiving the service and post-treatment.

Q&A About Our Brand : TurkCure

FAQ About TurkCure

ACIBADEM healthcare group is a renowned and reliable player in the health system of Turkey. Throughout the past 25 years, the brand has had extensive investments in building, equipping, supporting research, and providing medical services and education to the next generations of Turkey.

Acibadem is active outside Turkey in the European countries of Serbia, Netherlands, Bulgaria, and Macedonia. You can find out everything about its history, services, and certificates on Our Partner page.

Turkey is one of the worldā€™s leading countries in the health sector. Hurriyet daily news reports that according to the World Health Tourism Council data, Turkey ranks 4th in the world after the US and Germany for health tourism.

The middle-eastern country excels with its experienced physicians and health institutions with advanced technological equipment and international accreditation certificate.
Turkey can provide high-quality health care at more affordable prices than Europe, the US, and other countries.

The application process is usually fast and easy. Entry requirements depend on your country of origin. The online application system for electronic visas allows patients to get e-visa in minutes. A visa is optional for citizens of many nations; having a valid passport or even a national ID document is enough. We recommend you check HTTPS://www.mfa.gov.tr/ for more specific information.

Q&A About Our Servicesā€‹

FAQ On Before & After Receiving The Service

Our service packages contain information about the following:

  • the type of treatment/procedure
  • the medical establishment where it will be carried out
  • the name of the surgeon/doctor in charge
  • the price of the full-service package
  • the details of various parts of the service package (accommodation, interpretation, transformation)
  • date and time of the doctor’s appointment

Cosmetic surgery or surgeries done for pure beautification are usually not covered by insurance. There are conditions where, unlike elective plastic surgeries, some insurance companies are willing to pay for part of the costs incurred by their clients.
For example, if plastic surgery is considered necessary for your health or functionality.

An instance would be blepharoplasty or eyelid lift (impaired vision resulting from excess eyelid skin drooping into the field of vision).

TurkCure has no responsibility to provide our patients with insurance, and in this case, we urge you to discuss the matter with your insurance company or a legal practitioner.

At TurkCure, we consider ourselves responsible for our customerā€™s safety. As such, the personal and contact information shared with us will be solely used by TurkCure in the customerā€™s favor to propose the best service. You may refer to our Privacy Policy to understand how we process and keep your information.

Booking your flight from and back to your home country is not part of our service. However, upon your request, our professional team at SuperPay company can offer affordable flight planning and airport transfer services options.

Although these are not part of our service package, upon your request, we can help with suggesting tour guides and travel agencies in Istanbul.

The waiting time for each treatment category is different. However, from the initial online consultation until the finalized plan, it will take up to two weeks to prepare everything for you. You can refer to your official agreement for the exact schedule of your treatment.

You can head to our Free Consultation Form and leave us a message and phone number to contact you. It is free; pick your favorite time and date for us to contact you. In the Description section, you can provide more information about the problem and its status.

Our free consultation has two steps. First, a member of our regional support team will contact you. You can ask all the questions about the correct type of treatment, how it is done, and how much it can cost you. Suppose you have any personal concerns (like suffering from a disease, having a baby recently (you are a breastfeeding mother), or having a record of the same surgery before). In that case, you can also talk with our support team member about it. It is also a good idea to discuss your expectation from the final result of the operation.

Then in the second step, we will set up an online consultation session between you and your doctor/surgeon to discuss the matter more deeply with you. If any images from the applicantā€™s body are needed, we will provide you with a secure and private way to share them with our doctor. This second consultation is also free.

Your service agreement covers your companion’s accommodation, transfer, and hospital stay costs.

As agreed, our VIP vehicle will be waiting for you at the scheduled time to transfer you from the airport to the hospital.

We provide translation and health assistance services for our patients. When you come to Turkey, a staff interpreter who speaks your language will meet you at the airport and provide you with health assistance during the entire treatment process at the hospital between 08:00 to 17:00 hours.

If recognized as necessary after initial examination and tests, our doctor/surgeon will prescribe you medication to fight the infection or disease before proceeding with a patientā€™s treatment.

We will provide post-op care with your doctor in Turkey for one year. They will contact you after the first, second, third, and six months post-operation and again one year after to check the status.
You can also enjoy free consultation sessions on the Doki application, covering various medical services.
In addition, we will provide you with some partner clinics in Spain for additional procedures, such as additional hair treatments for hair transplant services.

We have always tried to serve our customers in the best way possible. As such, if it ever happens, we guarantee to refund you, and in case you need revision surgery, we are ready to cover all of the expenses.

Although pre-operation steps to take by patients are different according to the type of surgery, some general advice is as follows:

  • Avoid taking blood-thinner tablets like aspirin at least two weeks before the surgery.
  • Please stop drinking alcohol or any caffeinated drink like coffee, especially on the day of your surgery.
  • It is also good to stop smoking some days before the surgery and if possible, quit it altogether.
  • Another thing to consider is eating a very light or no meal some hours before your surgery begins.
  • Inform the surgeon of any medical problems or medications before the surgery. Such conditions could cause problems during the actual operation.
  • Try to stay calm and maintain a positive attitude.

Yes. As was discussed in the question related to expectations from a free consultation, we will set up a live consultation session with your doctor, and you can talk to him/her face to face. This way you will be assured of the level of quality of your surgeon and know what to expect before and after surgery.

You are asked to pay a pre-payment so that we can fix your date and doctor; this pre-payment can be done through a bank transfer, where we provide you with the account number for making the deposit.
The other way is online payment through a link forwarded to you by TurkCure staff.

We accept major credit cards like Visa, MasterCard, and American Express.

You can pay in the US Dollar ($), Euro (Š„), or Pound Sterling (Ā£).

Please submit questions to our Contact Us page if you have further questions.

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