All on 4 Implant Technique

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All on 4 Implant Technique
Why All on 4 Implant Technique?

All on 4 Implant Technique

To know All on 4 Implant Technique let’s answer some questions first. Do you frequently experience dental disease or consecutive tooth loss? Are you seeking a long-term dentistry treatment to improve your appearance, confidence, and mouth condition? If so, an All-on-Four implant procedure might be the answer you’re searching for.

At TurkCure, we offer you our package of all-on-4 dental implants.

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What is the All on Four Implant Technique?

The All-on-Four-implant method replaces a complete set of teeth with four dental implants, a long-lasting corrective dentistry treatment. In contrast to conventional implant techniques, All on Four employs just four implants to secure an entire array of artificial teeth, resulting in a pleasant and natural bite.

What is the All on Four Implant Technique2

Our Package for All on Four Implant Technique

We have prepared a package for those who need all-on-4 dental implant treatment.
All on 4 (1 JAW)

Special Offer


All on 4 (1 JAW)

Price: 5500 ā‚¬ 6100 ā‚¬

  • Expected duration of stay: 6 Days
  • Ā Consultations
    • Head Doctor / Specialist
  • 3D Dental tomography
  • Panoramic Smile Design
  • Panoramic X-ray
  • Local Aesthesia
  • German Brand Bego * All on 4 System Implant
  • All-On-Four Denture - Standart Acrylic *
    (1 jaw)
  • Hotel
  • Translator
  • Transfer
  • Temporary Denture
  • * Lifelong Guarantee For Implants 5 Years Of Guarantee Of Crowns
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All on 4 (1 JAW)

Special Offer


All on 4 (1 JAW)

Price: 7500 ā‚¬ 8100 ā‚¬

  • Expected duration of stay: 6 Days
  • Ā Consultations
    • Specialist
  • 3D Dental tomography
  • Panoramic Smile Design
  • Panoramic X-ray
  • Local Aesthesia
  • German Brand Bego * All on 4 System Implant
  • All-On-Four Denture - Metal + Gradia *
    (1 jaw)
  • Hotel
  • Translator
  • Transfer
  • * Lifelong Guarantee For Implants 5 Years Of Guarantee Of Crowns
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Sephire Hair Transplant Package

Special Offer


Sephire Hair Transplant Package

Price: 2200 ā‚¬ 2500 ā‚¬

  • Consultation with the physician
  • Lab tests
  • 3 days 5* hotel accommodation
  • FUE hair transplant
  • Post-op consultation
  • Transfers airport-hospital-hotel
  • Interpretation service in your language
  • Treatment Duration: 7 days
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Buttock Lift (BBL)

Special Offer


Buttock Lift (BBL)

Price: 4100 ā‚¬ 4500 ā‚¬

  • Consultation with surgeon
  • Lab tests
  • 1 night hospital stay
  • Post-op consultation
  • Transfers airport-hospital-hotel
  • Interpretation service in your language
  • Treatment Duration: 7 days
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Types of All-on-Four Implants
All methods and types

Types of All-on-Four Implants

There are two kinds of All on Four implants: instant load and delayed load.

ā€¢ Instant load all-on-4:Ā A temporary artificial tooth is connected to the implants in an instant load operation on the same day as the implant surgery. You can exit the dentist’s office the same day with a complete set of teeth. Instant load implants benefit from enhanced implant surfaces and shapes for speedier ossification, reducing the time needed for recovery.

ā€¢ Delayed load implants all-on-4:Ā In comparison, delayed load implants give the implants time to fully integrate with the mandible before the final prosthesis set is fastened. This procedure can take three to six months to guarantee proper mending and union to receive the last prosthesis set. If you don’t have enough bone to sustain the implants, your dentist may advise the delayed-load choice.

How to Choose the Right Technique?

The choice between instant load and deferred load implants depends on several variables, including the rate at which freshly implanted devices are accepted by the bone, the stability of the implant, and any underlying medical conditions that might slow down bone repair.

Your dentist’s suggestion will rely on several factors, including your unique bone quality and periodontal health, the size and fit of the implant solution, and how quickly or slowly you recover following the excision.

The best possible outcome of the operation will be achieved if you follow your dentist’s advice and carefully weigh the variables unique to your particular circumstance when choosing the type of implant.

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Who is the Best Candidate for All on Four Implant Technique?

The all-on-4 implant technique is ideal for people dealing with the following issues:

  1. Tooth loss: Because the process can restore several lost teeth, it is a less expensive and intrusive option than individual implants.
  2. Jawbone Density: The process is a fantastic choice for people with bone loss because it doesn’t require as much mandible as conventional implant options.
  3. Denture wearers: As an option to conventional or detachable dentures, If you have worn dentures for a long time frequently, you have insufficient bone structure, which leads to tooth sliding or trouble swallowing.
  4. Oral hygiene: If you have mild to severe periodontal disease, cavities, or bone loss, you will frequently experience oral health issues that can’t be fixed quickly. To recover your dental health, a more comprehensive strategy is needed.
  5. Time constraints: Because the operation involves fewer steps than conventional alternatives, you will find it appealing if you have limited time.
  6. Age Range: For people of most ages with one or more lost teeth or who require more extensive dental treatment, the All-on-4 implant procedure may be an option.

Finally, you should be in excellent overall health, smoke-free, and have sufficient bone density to support the prostheses. But only a dentist, after carefully examining your teeth, gums, and mandible structure, can decide if the All-on-4 implant procedure is the best option for you. The other similar dental treatment is called all-on-6 dental implants.Ā 

Who is the Best Candidate for All on Four Implant Technique
The Benefits of All on Four Implant Technique2
The advantages of the treatment

The Benefits of All on Four Implant Technique

The All on Four implant method has many advantages over conventional dentistry treatments for rebuilding complete tooth arches. Here are a few benefits:

  • Improved Dental Hygiene: Because All on Four implants are made to work like natural teeth, it is simpler to keep excellent dental hygiene because they can be cleaned and flossed like regular teeth.
  • Natural-Looking Teeth: All-on-Four implants offer a beautiful, functional, and realistic-looking smile that can increase self-confidence and self-esteem.
  • Better Speech, Comfort, and Chewing Ability: When speaking or consuming food, traditional teeth can slide and be uncomfortable. The artificial teeth are securely secured with All on Four implants, guaranteeing a secure, pleasant bite and optimum speaking ability.
  • Restored Self-Esteem and Confidence: Missing multiple teeth can impact your confidence in general and how you feel about your looks. With All on Four implants, you can fix your smile and feel confident, self-assured, and positive about your look.
  • Less Downtime and Quicker Recovery Than Traditional Implant Procedures: All-on-Four implants require less anesthesia and are less intrusive than conventional dental implants. They also cause less pain both during and after implant insertion.
Letā€™s get ready

Before the All on Four Implant Technique

It’s essential to have a thorough meeting with a skilled and seasoned dentist before having the All on Four implant method to ascertain whether the treatment is the best choice for you. The dentist will inspect your teeth and gums and evaluate your general dental health during these early appointments.

To assess bone structure, the number of natural teeth, and their positioning in the jaw, the dentist may also capture some X-rays, CT images, or imprints. This is done to precisely plan the implant’s optimal location and orientation and determine whether or not bone transplantation is required for the process to be successful.

All on Four implant preparation calls for finishing any additional dental work that may be required, practicing good mouth hygiene, adhering to a healthy diet, and giving up tobacco use, which can lead to many tooth health issues.

Before the All on Four Implant Technique2
The Actual Process of All on Four Implant Technique
Treatment general guidance

The Actual Process of All on Four Implant Technique

Ensure you have someone to transport you home after the operation since you’ll be unconscious. Once wholly unconscious, the dentist removes residual teeth and shapes the four upper and four lower arch cavities by making tiny cuts in your gum. She will then put the prostheses into these holes.

A connection is then connected after implant fasteners are inserted into your mandible. Occasionally, a bone transplant is needed at this point in the procedure. The final steps are to cure the gums and put on temporary teeth while the implant areas recover.

After care at home

Recovery and Care after the All on 4 Implant Technique

Your dentist will guide you on taking care of your interim or permanent artificial set of teeth after your all-on-four implant treatment, reducing pain and promoting the mending process.

You should be aware that healing times can vary from person to person based on the All on Four implant methods used, your dental health, and your general health. Following are some basic recommendations for aftercare:

  • Reducing discomfort and relieving pain: Following the operation, there may be some minor stiffness and irritation, which can be treated with either over-the-counter or prescribed painkillers. Ice packs can also help to lessen soreness and edema.
  • Diet of soft foods: You need to follow a soft food regimen for at least one week (one-day appointments) or six weeks (deferred appointments) to ensure appropriate recovery. Avoid food that may irritate the surgery region, such as firm, chewy, hot, and viscous foods.
  • Optimal Dental Hygiene Techniques: Follow your dentist’s directions on maintaining your artificial teeth, whether they are interim or permanent, to lower the chance of illness. Brush artificial teeth gently, and frequently clean your mouth with saline.
  • Follow-Up Consultations: Attend the dentist’s planned visits to check on the progress of the implants’ mending, to have the interim prostheses adjusted, and to make sure the permanent prosthetics set suits you flawlessly.
  • Healthy Practices: Continue to keep good dental hygiene, eat a healthy diet, stop smoking, and refrain from gnawing or biting on hard items to prolong the life of the all-on-4 implants.
Recovery and Care after the Operation

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Meet Our Medical Team

DR. Abdullah Etoz

DR. Abdullah Etoz

Abdullah Etoz is an Associate Clinical Doctor of Plastic Surgery at Acıbadem Hospital Groups in İstanbul. He specializes exclusively in aesthetic plastic surgery.

Moreover, Dr. Etoz has been trained at Mayo Clinic, MN, USA. (2005) and Uppsala University, SE. (2006).Ā 
In addition to being a member of the Turkish Medical Association and Plastic Reconstructive Surgery, he is a member of the International Association of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery and the European Academy of Breast Sciences.

Before & After cases by doctors



Unlike conventional dental implants, which require one implant for each tooth, the All on Four Implant Technique method utilizes four implants to hold a complete set of teeth. The All on Four Implant is preferable when a person has several lost teeth.

The All on Four Implant Technique has a success percentage greater than that of conventional dental implant techniques, at about 95%.

All-on-Four prostheses can last for several decades if correctly cared for.Ā 

The artificial set is designed to fit the size, color, and form, giving them a natural appearance.

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