All-on-6 Implants

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All-on-6 Implants
Why All-on-6 Implants?

All-on-6 Implants

Losing teeth may be physically and emotionally distressing. It may greatly influence your self-confidence, quality of life, and eating and communicating well. Thankfully, improvements in dental technology have made it feasible to replace lost teeth with long-lasting, natural-looking options like All-on-6 implants.

At TurkCure, we have designed a special package for all-on-6-implants.

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What are All-on-6 Implants?

Using six carefully positioned dental implants, a whole upper or lower arch of teeth may be supported by all-on-6 implants. This ground-breaking process gives you a permanent, stable solution that feels and performs like natural teeth.

All-on-6 implants provide a long-lasting, permanent solution that needs little upkeep, unlike conventional dentures or bridges, which are prone to slipping, shifting, or requiring regular revisions.

What are All-on-6 Implants

Our Package for All-on-6 Implants

For those needing a professional all-on-six implant, we have designed the following:
All on 6 (1 JAW)

Special Offer


All on 6 (1 JAW)

Price: 8000 ā‚¬ 7600 ā‚¬

  • Expected duration of stay: 6 Days
  • Ā Consultations
    • Head Doctor / Specialist
  • 3D Dental tomography
  • Panoramic Smile Design
  • Panoramic X-ray
  • Local Aesthesia
  • German Brand Bego * All on 6 System Implant
  • All-On-Six Denture - Metal + Gradia *
    (1 jaw)
  • Hotel
  • Translator
  • Transfer
  • * Lifelong Guarantee For Implants 5 Years Of Guarantee Of Crowns
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All on 6 (1 JAW)

Special Offer


All on 6 (1 JAW)

Price: 6500 ā‚¬ 6100 ā‚¬

  • Expected duration of stay: 6 Days
  • Ā Consultations
    • Specialist
  • 3D Dental tomography
  • Panoramic Smile Design
  • Panoramic X-ray
  • Local Aesthesia
  • German Brand Bego * All on 6 System Implant
  • All-On-Six Denture - Standart Acrylic *
    (1 jaw)
  • Hotel
  • Translator
  • Transfer
  • * Lifelong Guarantee For Implants 5 Years Of Guarantee Of Crowns
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Sephire Hair Transplant Package

Special Offer


Sephire Hair Transplant Package

Price: 2200 ā‚¬ 2500 ā‚¬

  • Consultation with the physician
  • Lab tests
  • 3 days 5* hotel accommodation
  • FUE hair transplant
  • Post-op consultation
  • Transfers airport-hospital-hotel
  • Interpretation service in your language
  • Treatment Duration: 7 days
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Buttock Lift (BBL)

Special Offer


Buttock Lift (BBL)

Price: 4100 ā‚¬ 4500 ā‚¬

  • Consultation with surgeon
  • Lab tests
  • 1 night hospital stay
  • Post-op consultation
  • Transfers airport-hospital-hotel
  • Interpretation service in your language
  • Treatment Duration: 7 days
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Special Offer



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Special Offer



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Special Offer



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What Types of All-on-6 implants are there
All methods and types

What Types of All-on-6 implants are there?

There are many All-on-6 implant designs available, including

  • The most popular All-on-6 implant is constructed of sturdy, long-lasting titanium.
  • Like All-on-4 implants, you can choose zirconia implants because of their realistic tooth-like look.
  • Implants that blend titanium and zirconia to give the advantages of both materials are called hybrid implants.
  • In certain circumstances, All-on-6 implants can be made particularly to meet your dental requirements.

Your unique dental circumstances and the advice of your dentist or oral surgeon will determine the All-on-6 implant you get. It’s crucial to speak with a dental expert to choose the implant choice that is ideal for you.

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Who is the Best Candidate for All-on-6 Implant Technique?

  • A person who has lost most, if not all, of their teeth and is either currently wearing dentures or will lose all of their remaining teeth is the most suitable candidate for the All-on-6 implant treatment.
  • A person in generally good health with no current oral disorders like periodontal disease, tooth decay, or infections is also the perfect candidate.
  • Although, in certain circumstances, bone grafting may be an option to increase bone density, those who have adequate jawbone to sustain the six implants are considered perfect candidates for this dental treatment.
  • Moreover, all-on-6 dental implants are an excellent alternative for persons looking for a rapid, efficient, and long-lasting fixed treatment option to replace multiple lost teeth. It is because this is a much less intrusive and more economical method to replace a whole arch of teeth.

However, before the operation, you must speak with a dentist specializing in dental implant treatments. The dentist will evaluate your oral and general health and help you decide whether All-on-6 implants are the best course of action for you. Another option offered to patients is all-on-4-impant which shares many similarities.Ā 

Who is the Best Candidate for All-on-6 Implant Technique
Benefits of All-on-6 Implants
The advantages of the treatment

Benefits of All-on-6 Implants

People seeking treatment for severe tooth loss are increasingly turning to all-on-6 implants. Compared to other implant procedures, this one offers several advantages, such as:

  1. Faster Treatment Time: The All-on-6 implant approach has the critical benefit of drastically reducing treatment time. Unlike standard implants, which may take weeks, you can get an entire mouth restoration in only one surgical session. You may often get your replacement teeth on the same day.
  2. Reduced Invasiveness and Pain: All-on-6 implants are less invasive and painful than conventional implants since they need fewer operations and incisions. You often recover more quickly and require fewer follow-up visits.
  3. Improved Stability: The All-on-6 implant approach establishes a secure foundation on which a whole set of teeth may be placed by inserting six dental implants into the jawbone. It may boost stability while improving function and beauty compared to conventional dental implants or dentures.
  4. Greater versatility: Regarding the material utilized and the number of teeth necessary, the All-on-6 approach allows greater versatility. You may choose between various options based on your tastes and financial constraints.
  5. Long-Lasting Results: All-on-6 implants are a long-term remedy for missing teeth when correctly cared for and maintained. All-on-6 implants may last a lifetime, unlike standard bridges or dentures, which must be replaced every few years.
Letā€™s get ready

Before the Process

  • You must make an appointment for a consultation with a dentist specializing in dental implants before having the All-on-6 implant treatment.Ā 
  • During this appointment, your dentist will assess your dental health and medical background to decide whether you are a suitable candidate for the operation. To fully grasp your particular circumstance, they could additionally take X-rays or dental imprints.
  • Let your dentist know if you use vitamins or drugs since these might impact the treatment.Ā 
  • Additionally, before beginning the All-on-6 implant surgery, your dentist may suggest you stop smoking or take care of any underlying medical disorders if you smoke or have any other health issues.
Before the Process
The Actual Process
Treatment general guidance

The Actual Process

  1. You’ll generally get a local anesthetic on the day of the surgery to numb the region where the implants will be placed. Sedation may also be given in rare circumstances to help you relax.
  2. After making incisions in the gums to reveal the jawbone, your dentist will drill tiny holes into the bone to install the implants. Six implants will be placed into your jawbone at critical points to support your new teeth.
  3. Your dentist will insert the implants and then connect a temporary set of teeth to them so you may leave the appointment with a completely functioning smile. Until your gums have healed and the implants have completely bonded with the bone, these temporary teeth will stay in place.

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After care at home

Recovery & After-Process Care:

Adhering to your dentist’s post-operative care recommendations after the All-on-6 implant operation is crucial. Following surgery, you could suffer some swelling, soreness, or bleeding; however, these side effects should go away in a few days.

  • You should exercise extreme caution to prevent applying pressure to the implants throughout the healing process, which lasts between three and six months. The first several weeks after the treatment entails refraining from eating anything hard or crunchy and keeping a soft diet.
  • Your dentist will schedule a follow-up visit to check your recovery and ensure everything is mending correctly. You must return to the doctor to have your permanent teeth attached when your implants are perfectly integrated with the jawbone.
  • Proper oral hygiene practices, such as twice-daily brushing, frequent flossing, and dental examinations, is essential to preserve your new smile. All-on-6 implants may provide patients with lost teeth with a durable and realistic-looking option if adequately cared for.
Recovery & After-Process Care

Meet Our Medical Team

DR. Abdullah Etoz

DR. Abdullah Etoz

Abdullah Etoz is an Associate Clinical Doctor of Plastic Surgery at Acıbadem Hospital Groups in İstanbul. He specializes exclusively in aesthetic plastic surgery.

Moreover, Dr. Etoz has been trained at Mayo Clinic, MN, USA. (2005) and Uppsala University, SE. (2006).Ā 
In addition to being a member of the Turkish Medical Association and Plastic Reconstructive Surgery, he is a member of the International Association of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery and the European Academy of Breast Sciences.

Before & After cases by doctors



With the proper upkeep and care, All-on-6 implants may provide a durable and aesthetically pleasing option for those who have lost teeth. All-on-6 implants may last a lifetime, unlike conventional bridges or dentures that need replacement after a few years.

All-on-4 and All-on-6 implant procedures are successful ways to replace missing teeth. While the All-on-6 method employs six implants to support a whole arch of teeth, the All-on-4 process requires four implants. Both approaches result in a stable and attractive outcome. Individuals needing more assistance or with a bigger jawbone structure can find the All-on-6 operation more advantageous.

You should be able to consume a broad range of meals as usual after the first healing phase, which usually lasts between three and six months. However, it’s crucial to adhere to your dentist’s post-operative care recommendations and refrain from eating anything tough or crunchy for the first few weeks after the treatment.

Maintaining your new smile requires appropriate oral hygiene practices, such as brushing twice daily, flossing often, and scheduling regular dental appointments. Additionally, you should refrain from consuming anything crunchy or firm for the first two weeks after the surgery.

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