O-Shot & Stem Shot: Boosting Female Sexual Pleasure

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Boosting Female Sexual Pleasure

What is an O-Shot?

Boosting Female Sexual Pleasure is possible through O-shot which is a procedure designed to inject a patient’s stem cells back into the region of the vagina in women, which are experiencing problems with sexual pleasure, orgasmic function, and urinary incontinence, and have no side effects.

With the O-shot around the clitoris, the connective tissue around the clitoris is increasing, so sexual pleasure and sensitivity become more intense.Ā 

Stem Shot is another variety of the same procedure with some differences. For our female patients who are looking for a safe method to improve the quality of their sexual lives, we suggest considering these two procedures. At TurkCure we are ready to give you all the information and necessary consultation before making your final decision.

What Are the Advantages of the O-Shot?


The o-Shot application does not have any risk of allergic reactions or transmission because the patient’s stem cell is used.

What Are the Advantages of the O-Shot


The effect of O-shot is long-lasting because stem cell growth factors are obtained.


O-Shot is fast and does not require surgery.

Natural Results

No foreign substance is given to your body in the P-Shot. The patient’s stem cells and growth factors are separated and injected into the patient.

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Our O-Shot & Stem Shot Package

"Boosting Female Sexual Pleasure : Explore Our O-Shot & Stem Shot Package"
O-Shot & Stem Shot Package

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O-Shot & Stem Shot Package

Price: 2500 ā‚¬ 2900 ā‚¬

  • Consultations
    • General Surgery
    • Anesthesia and Reanimation Specialist
  • Blood tests
  • Radiological Tests
  • Transfers airport-hospital-hotel
  • Interpretation service in your language
  • Expected duration of stay: 3 Days
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Fat Transfer Package

Special Offer


Fat Transfer Package

Price: 2050 ā‚¬ 2450 ā‚¬

  • Consultation with the physician
  • Lab tests
  • 3 days 5* hotel accommodation
  • Fat Transfer
  • Post-op consultation
  • Transfers airport-hospital-hotel
  • Interpretation service in your language
  • Treatment Duration: 7 days
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Sephire Hair Transplant Package

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Sephire Hair Transplant Package

Price: 2200 ā‚¬ 2500 ā‚¬

  • Consultation with the physician
  • Lab tests
  • 3 days 5* hotel accommodation
  • FUE hair transplant
  • Post-op consultation
  • Transfers airport-hospital-hotel
  • Interpretation service in your language
  • Treatment Duration: 7 days
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Buttock Lift (BBL)

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Buttock Lift (BBL)

Price: 4100 ā‚¬ 4500 ā‚¬

  • Consultation with surgeon
  • Lab tests
  • 1 night hospital stay
  • Post-op consultation
  • Transfers airport-hospital-hotel
  • Interpretation service in your language
  • Treatment Duration: 7 days
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O-Shot process

O-Shot process

For boosting female sexual pleasure, 30 ml of peripheral blood is collected from the patient. After a 20-minute process, platelet-rich plasma and stem cells containing growth factors are prepared. Before the application, the vaginal area is anesthetized with a special cream with an anesthetic effect, so that the patient will not feel pain or discomfort during the procedure. A small needle is used to inject O-Shot into the vagina.

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Stem Shot

In P/O Shot procedures, o procedures performed for boostingĀ female sexual pleasure the patientā€™s blood is taken and growth factors act. In P/O Stem Shot interventions, we take the patientā€™s stem cells and among them, vein-forming stem cells, that affect the development and growth of the main structure of the penis and clitoris, are transferred to the patient. Therefore the effect is direct, not indirect.

It is a more complicated and effective application developed as an alternative to P-Shot and O-Shot. Instead of taking the patient’s blood, the patient’s bone marrow is aspirated. Hematopoietic and mesenchymal stem cells, which reach the number of millions in the laboratory environment, are injected into the penis or vagina. While mesenchymal stem cells form connective tissue, hematopoietic stem cells provide vascular formation.

Stem Shot

Stem Shot Process

Bone marrow aspiration is performed on the patient asking for boosting female sexual pleasure. Bone marrow and 3 tubes of patient blood are put in the transfer kit. Our staff delivers the kit to the laboratory in the cold chain (+ 4 Ā° C).
Stem cells isolated from bone marrow are cultured. Stem cells are amplified by adding appropriate media at 37 Ā° C in an incubator. Hematopoietic stem cells are given to the patient 3 days later.
After 1.5 months, mesenchymal stem cells are given after quality control tests. After 1 month, the remaining mesenchymal stem cells are transferred to the patient.
You might also be interested in Genital Rejuvenation for Women.Ā Ā 

Stem Shot Process

Meet Our Medical Team

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Dr. BĆ¼lent Cihantimur

A graduate of Istanbul University Ƈapa Faculty of Medicine, Dr. BĆ¼lent Cihantimur specialized in Plastic Surgery at Uludağ University. Over the past 20 years, his unwavering dedication and innovative techniques have earned him numerous accolades, including The Golden Bistoury Award, The Worldā€™s Best Plastic Surgeon, and the Medical Man of the Year Award in 2014. He is one of the best to perform Otoplasty Surgery or Prominent Ear Operation with Laser.

Dr. Ƈağatay GĆ¼ngƶrsun

Dr. Ƈağatay GĆ¼ngƶrsun

A graduate of Ataturk University Medical Faculty, Dr. Ƈağatay GĆ¼ngƶrsĆ¼n specializes in medical aesthetic applications such as fillers, botox, and non-surgical aesthetic procedures which makes him a prime choice for you if you are thinking of removing dark circles under your eyes.

irfan tarhan md

Ä°rfan Tarhan MD

Our gynecology and obstetrics specialist, Dr Irfan Tarhan is a renowned surgeon for performing numerous aesthetic surgeries on women.

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