Cheek Aesthetics Treatment: Techniques, Candidates & Care

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Cheek Aesthetics

Cheek Aesthetics Explained

In the realm of facial aesthetics treatments, the Hollywood cheek aesthetics treatment emerges as a transformative procedure that reshapes a U-shaped face into a refined V-shaped contour, accentuating and defining cheekbones. The significance of one’s facial features extends beyond personal identity to societal recognition and differentiation from others.

We at TurkCure are happy to inform you that you can now get this facial aesthetics treatment in Istanbul, Turkey by our partner Estetik International.

Understanding Cheek Aesthetic

The human face is the initial focal point when encountering others. While the initial impression may not individually scrutinize features like the nose, mouth, cheeks, lips, eye color, and hair, these components collectively contribute to the overall beauty of the face.

Now, let’s talk about some essential anatomical landmarks. We have the facial artery, infraorbital artery, orbicularis retaining ligament, and the zygomaticus retaining ligament, also known as The jugal Groove. Understanding these landmarks is crucial for safe and effective injections done for Cheek Aesthetics Treatment.Ā 

Understanding Cheek Aesthetic

The facial artery runs deep, crossing over to become superficial. It doesn’t always stay right in the nasolabial fold, so staying deep with injections is essential. The infraorbital foramen is another consideration, and injecting deep from the side onto the bone ensures safety. The use of a cannula, along with aspiration or ultrasound, further enhances safety during injections.

safety during injections

Now, let’s talk about the zygomaticus retaining ligament or the jugal Groove. This ligament runs from the bone through tissues and muscles, and up to the skin, pulling everything down. While some surgeons might consider sub-sizing this ligament with a cannula, it’s important to note that it won’t release it. Cutting through it is necessary for any meaningful release, but caution is advised due to potential scarring and unintended consequences.

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Our Cheek Aesthetics Package

"Enhance Your Natural Beauty: Explore Our Cheek Aesthetics Package"
Cheek Aesthetics Package

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Cheek Aesthetics Package

Price: 2500 ā‚¬ 2900 ā‚¬

  • Consultations
    • General Surgery
    • Anesthesia and Reanimation Specialist
  • Blood tests
  • Radiological Tests
  • Transfers airport-hospital-hotel
  • Interpretation service in your language
  • Expected duration of stay: 3 Days
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Fat Transfer Package

Special Offer


Fat Transfer Package

Price: 2050 ā‚¬ 2450 ā‚¬

  • Consultation with the physician
  • Lab tests
  • 3 days 5* hotel accommodation
  • Fat Transfer
  • Post-op consultation
  • Transfers airport-hospital-hotel
  • Interpretation service in your language
  • Treatment Duration: 7 days
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Sephire Hair Transplant Package

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Sephire Hair Transplant Package

Price: 2200 ā‚¬ 2500 ā‚¬

  • Consultation with the physician
  • Lab tests
  • 3 days 5* hotel accommodation
  • FUE hair transplant
  • Post-op consultation
  • Transfers airport-hospital-hotel
  • Interpretation service in your language
  • Treatment Duration: 7 days
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Buttock Lift (BBL)

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Buttock Lift (BBL)

Price: 4100 ā‚¬ 4500 ā‚¬

  • Consultation with surgeon
  • Lab tests
  • 1 night hospital stay
  • Post-op consultation
  • Transfers airport-hospital-hotel
  • Interpretation service in your language
  • Treatment Duration: 7 days
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Face Harmony and the Golden Ratio

Face Harmony and the Golden Ratio

Beauty standards are closely tied to the proportional distribution of facial organs and tissue percentages. The concept of the golden ratio plays a crucial role in defining facial beauty, expressing the ideal proportions for each organ.
Achieving aesthetic harmony with these values is integral to the perception of beauty. Hollywood cheek aesthetics treatment, rooted in the golden ratio, emphasizes distinct cheekbones and a slender chin region for a youthful and attractive facial appearance.

You are just a step away from your desired change!

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Bichectomy & Hollywood Aesthetics Treatment

Commonly known as Bichectomy or The Triangle Face Operation, the Hollywood cheek aesthetics treatment is frequently employed for square-contoured faces or those with excess fat.

This procedure also referred to as Bichectomy, involves the removal of excess fat pads from the inner cheek area without leaving visible external scars. The outcome is a reduction in cheek volume, well-defined cheekbones, and a smaller chin appearance.

We should also discuss the importance of fat pad compartments. Differentiating between superficial and deep fat pads is crucial. Injecting deep into the medial and lateral fat pads, especially using a cannula, ensures lasting and natural-looking results.

Avoiding superficial placement prevents issues like filler migration and potential obstruction of the lymphatic drainage system.

Bichectomy and Hollywood Aesthetic

Planning for Cheek Aesthetics Treatment

Cheek aesthetic surgery, often a swift procedure lasting around 30 minutes, can be conducted under local or general anesthesia. The surgeon’s expertise is paramount in determining the size and shape of fat removal from the cheek area, as well as reshaping the chin. Personalized and meticulous planning is crucial to achieve the desired triangular form. Factors such as age, chin dimensions, and cheekbone proportions are pivotal in determining the amount of fat to be removed.

As for filler placement, the key is to create the illusion of lift by strategically adding volume. Marking points for volume restoration, focusing on the mid-cheek, apex, and transitioning points ensures a balanced and lifted appearance. Careful calculations and a nuanced approach to filler placement in the cheek contribute to achieving natural and harmonious results.

Planning for Cheek Aesthetic

Considerations for Different Ages

It is advisable to undergo cheek fat removal not before the age of 20 or 25, unless under extreme circumstances. Genetic factors also play a significant role in the success of the procedure.

Hollywood Cheek Application

Hollywood cheek aesthetic surgery is typically performed under anesthesia or sedation, with no external scars in the traditional method. Incisions are made inside the mouth to access the Bichat fat pad, which causes fullness in the cheeks. The anatomical planning of the incision ensures precise removal of this fat pad, and the procedure is more effective when performed on patients at an excessive weight.

Considerations for Different Ages

Post-Cheek Aesthetic Care

After cheek aesthetic surgery, small sutures are placed inside the mouth, necessitating a preference for liquid food on the first day. Normal food consumption is possible in the later hours, and oral rinsing is crucial for the initial three days to maintain suture sterility. The dissolvable sutures result in minimal discomfort, allowing patients to resume their social lives shortly after the procedure.

Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā Other face & body operations you might be interested in:Ā 

Post-Cheek Aesthetic Care

FAQs on Cheek Aesthetics

The cheek aesthetic, which involves the removal of fat from the cheeks, focuses on extracting a portion of the buccal fat pads. These pads, located in the lower cheeks, can lead to undesired rounded cheeks, often referred to as “sagging cheeks” or a fuller facial appearance. Consequently, this procedure is performed to harmonize the cheeks with the overall facial contour.

Hollywood cheek aesthetic is suitable for individuals of almost any age. However, it’s crucial to consider that many people naturally begin to lose facial fat between the ages of 20-25. Removing fat reserves before this period may result in an excessively thin and potentially unhealthy facial expression.

In a cheek aesthetic examination, your doctor will discuss your aesthetic goals, explore available options, and provide a realistic outlook on what can be achieved through buccal fat removal. Additionally, your doctor will communicate potential risks and complications, anesthesia choices, costs, and postoperative care. This consultation is an opportunity for you to ask questions and assess whether the surgeon aligns with your preferences. Do not hesitate to seek clarification on any concerns.

Cheek aesthetic begins with the administration of anesthesia based on your surgeon’s preference and the possibility of additional procedures. Following anesthesia, your surgeon will make an incision between your upper molar teeth and the inner cheek inside your mouth. The surgeon then extracts fat pieces by gently pulling them away. This process is repeated on the other side, and the incisions are subsequently closed.

Post buccal fat removal surgery, you may experience mild swelling and sensitivity in your lower face, accompanied by slight bruising and discomfort. A specialized diet featuring non-acidic foods is recommended for a specific period, along with sleeping with your head elevated and using an antiseptic oral rinse. Swelling typically subsides around three days later.

As swelling diminishes, visible results can be observed within one or two weeks. However, the full outcomes of the cheek aesthetic may take several months to fully manifest.

Results from the aesthetic procedure are considered permanent. Nevertheless, significant weight gain in the future may cause the cheeks to fill again, although not to the extent experienced before the surgery.

Meet Our Medical Team

doctor 2

Dr. BĆ¼lent Cihantimur

A graduate of Istanbul University Ƈapa Faculty of Medicine, Dr. BĆ¼lent Cihantimur specialized in Plastic Surgery at Uludağ University. Over the past 20 years, his unwavering dedication and innovative techniques have earned him numerous accolades, including The Golden Bistoury Award, The Worldā€™s Best Plastic Surgeon, and the Medical Man of the Year Award in 2014. He is one of the best to perform Otoplasty Surgery or Prominent Ear Operation with Laser.

Dr. Gina Moret

Dr. Gina Moret

Dr. Moret, originally from Brazil, graduated from FESO University in 2008. She is a board-certified physician with expertise in the advanced application of dermal fillers, botulinum toxin, and the spider web technique. Dr. Moret specializes in minimally invasive holistic aesthetic and regenerative medicine, known for her artistic and natural approach to aesthetics.

Dr. Ƈağatay GĆ¼ngƶrsun

Dr. Ƈağatay GĆ¼ngƶrsun

A graduate of Ataturk University Medical Faculty, Dr. Ƈağatay GĆ¼ngƶrsĆ¼n specializes in medical aesthetic applications such as fillers, botox, and non-surgical aesthetic procedures which makes him a prime choice for you if you are thinking of removing dark circles under your eyes.

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