Mustache Restoration

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Mustache Restoration

Mustache Restoration

For individuals experiencing hair loss on the upper lip or lacking mustache growth, a viable solution is mustache restoration.

Mustache restoration involves the transplantation of hair follicles into areas of the upper lip where no mustache naturally grows. The hair follicles used in mustache transplantation are typically extracted from the neck, similar to the process used in treating baldness. A strip of scalp from the neck is carefully removed and divided into individual hair follicles, which are then implanted in areas with a mustache deficiency.

The transplanted hair follicles

The transplanted hair follicles maintain their original characteristics in the mustache area, allowing for continued growth. Therefore, routine trimming of the grown hair can be incorporated during mustache maintenance. To ensure proper nourishment, it’s crucial not to plant the hair follicles too close to each other during transplantation. If hair growth occurs (typically 4-6 months later) and there are areas with sparse mustache coverage, additional transplantation can be performed.

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Mustache Restoration Package

"Enhance Your Natural Attraction: Explore Our Organic Mustache Restoration Package"
Mustache Restoration Package

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Mustache Restoration Package

Price: 2500 ā‚¬ 2900 ā‚¬

  • Consultations
    • General Surgery
    • Anesthesia and Reanimation Specialist
  • Blood tests
  • Radiological Tests
  • Transfers airport-hospital-hotel
  • Interpretation service in your language
  • Expected duration of stay: 3 Days
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Fat Transfer Package

Special Offer


Fat Transfer Package

Price: 2050 ā‚¬ 2450 ā‚¬

  • Consultation with the physician
  • Lab tests
  • 3 days 5* hotel accommodation
  • Fat Transfer
  • Post-op consultation
  • Transfers airport-hospital-hotel
  • Interpretation service in your language
  • Treatment Duration: 7 days
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Sephire Hair Transplant Package

Special Offer


Sephire Hair Transplant Package

Price: 2200 ā‚¬ 2500 ā‚¬

  • Consultation with the physician
  • Lab tests
  • 3 days 5* hotel accommodation
  • FUE hair transplant
  • Post-op consultation
  • Transfers airport-hospital-hotel
  • Interpretation service in your language
  • Treatment Duration: 7 days
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Buttock Lift (BBL)

Special Offer


Buttock Lift (BBL)

Price: 4100 ā‚¬ 4500 ā‚¬

  • Consultation with surgeon
  • Lab tests
  • 1 night hospital stay
  • Post-op consultation
  • Transfers airport-hospital-hotel
  • Interpretation service in your language
  • Treatment Duration: 7 days
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Mustache Restoration and FUE Technique

Explore All Hair Procedures

Mustache Restoration and FUE Technique

Mustache restoration can effectively conceal issues such as scars, surgery scars, burn marks, and exfoliation. This procedure can bring about significant changes in the appearance of individuals without facial hair. Only the FUE method is recommended for mustache restoration, as the outcomes from the FUT method are deemed unsatisfactory. Tools with a thickness of 0.6-0.7 mm are utilized to obtain hair roots, and these roots are implanted using similar thickness tools without creating incisions on the skin. This reduces the transplantation duration, preventing root loss.

Thin-tipped tools leave no visible marks or indications of transplantation on the treated area. Individuals can determine the transplantation limits and frequency based on personal preferences. Typically, planting around 1000 roots can eliminate the beardless appearance. However, for a denser beard, a higher number of roots is required. FUE ensures a natural-looking result, whether the transplantation is frequent or scattered, making it imperceptible to hairdressers.

Explore All Hair Procedures

With FUE, hair roots are harvested in desired quantities from the chosen location and transplanted onto the designated mustache area at a natural angle. As mustache restoration is a significant procedure, it should be performed by the physician, not auxiliary staff.

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FAQs on Mustache Transplant

Mustache restoration is a beneficial method for men lacking hair in the mustache region due to various reasons.

Sparse mustache hair can result from trauma, genetic factors, or a congenital lack of facial hair.

While various drugs or herbal solutions claiming to promote mustache growth may not yield beneficial results, mustache restoration is considered the most effective treatment for the absence of hair in the upper lip area.

Healthy hair roots used for mustache restoration are harvested from the back of the neck, similar to standard hair transplants. These roots are individually extracted from the neck region and then transplanted to the mustache area.

Following mustache restoration, the transplanted hair roots, retaining their original properties, begin to grow after a period. Therefore, regular trimming of the mustache area at specific intervals is necessary. During transplantation, it’s advisable to avoid frequent and densely packed hair placement to prevent nutritional issues due to space constraints.

Mustache restoration requires careful consideration of frequency and nutritional aspects. Approximately four months after the initial transplantation, the transplanted hair will have roots, prompting additional procedures to adjust for sparsity after the natural growth cycle. Another critical consideration is paying attention to the orientation of the hair roots, especially if combined with beard transplantation, ensuring a harmonious facial hair structure based on the patient’s existing donor hair roots.

Meet Our Medical Team

doctor 2

Dr. BĆ¼lent Cihantimur

A graduate of Istanbul University Ƈapa Faculty of Medicine, Dr. BĆ¼lent Cihantimur specialized in Plastic Surgery at Uludağ University. Over the past 20 years, his unwavering dedication and innovative techniques have earned him numerous accolades, including The Golden Bistoury Award, The Worldā€™s Best Plastic Surgeon, and the Medical Man of the Year Award in 2014. He is one of the best to perform Otoplasty Surgery or Prominent Ear Operation with Laser.

Alaaddin Karabacak MD

Alaaddin Karabacak MD

Dr. Alaaddin Karabacak is a member of the following highly regarded s: ISAPS (International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery), and IPRAS (International Plastic Reconstruction Aesthetic Surgery). He achieves very good results by applying modern techniques and his exceptional skills in extracting and restoring the grafts. Meanwhile, Dr. Alaaddin Karabacak has become an authority in the international hair transplant world.

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