Prominent Ear Correction with Thread

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Prominent Ear Correction with Thread
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Ear correction with thread, also known as Prominent Ear Aesthetics with Thread, is a non-surgical cosmetic procedure designed to address prominent or protruding ears.

What is Prominent Ear Correction with Thread?

The issue of prominent ears arises from the curvature of the ears, forming a perpendicular alignment to the skull due to anatomical differences. This aesthetic concern not only impacts facial beauty but can also lead to psychological distress, particularly during childhood.

Prominent Ear Aesthetics with Thread offers a non-invasive alternative to classic otoplasty, addressing external gaps in the ear lobe. Pioneered by the founder of the Estetik International, Op. Dr. BĆ¼lent Cihantimur, this technique utilizes medical threads to reposition the ear lobe without the need for traditional surgical methods.

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Our Prominent Ear Correction with Thread Package

"Revolutionizing Ear Aesthetics: The Minimally Invasive Thread Technique"
Our Prominent Ear Correction with Thread Package

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Our Prominent Ear Correction with Thread Package

Price: 2500 ā‚¬ 2900 ā‚¬

  • Consultations
    • General Surgery
    • Anesthesia and Reanimation Specialist
  • Blood tests
  • Radiological Tests
  • Transfers airport-hospital-hotel
  • Interpretation service in your language
  • Expected duration of stay: 3 Days
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Fat Transfer Package

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Fat Transfer Package

Price: 2050 ā‚¬ 2450 ā‚¬

  • Consultation with the physician
  • Lab tests
  • 3 days 5* hotel accommodation
  • Fat Transfer
  • Post-op consultation
  • Transfers airport-hospital-hotel
  • Interpretation service in your language
  • Treatment Duration: 7 days
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Sephire Hair Transplant Package

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Sephire Hair Transplant Package

Price: 2200 ā‚¬ 2500 ā‚¬

  • Consultation with the physician
  • Lab tests
  • 3 days 5* hotel accommodation
  • FUE hair transplant
  • Post-op consultation
  • Transfers airport-hospital-hotel
  • Interpretation service in your language
  • Treatment Duration: 7 days
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Buttock Lift (BBL)

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Buttock Lift (BBL)

Price: 4100 ā‚¬ 4500 ā‚¬

  • Consultation with surgeon
  • Lab tests
  • 1 night hospital stay
  • Post-op consultation
  • Transfers airport-hospital-hotel
  • Interpretation service in your language
  • Treatment Duration: 7 days
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Advantages of Prominent Ear Aesthetics with Thread
Procedure Candidates

Who is a Candidate for Prominent Ear Aesthetics with Thread?

This innovative procedure is suitable for individuals with

  • Symmetry issues in their ears
  • Those with gaps in the earlobe
  • Individuals averse to surgical risks
  • Those who prefer procedures without general anesthesia or visible incision marks

Given that ear development concludes around the age of 6, it is recommended for children to undergo Prominent Ear Aesthetics with Thread by this age to support their psycho-social development. Importantly, as the intervention is external, it poses no risk to hearing.

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Advantages of the procedure

Advantages of Prominent Ear Aesthetics with Thread:

Prominent Ear Aesthetics with Thread offers several advantages:

  • It is a non-surgical technique, easily applied.
  • The procedure minimizes risks associated with surgical operations.
  • Completion within 10-15 minutes, ensuring a swift process.
  • Rapid recovery with minimal bleeding due to micro inputs on cartilage.
  • Ā No visible lacerations, as threads are placed with needle assistance.
  • Instant return to social activities.
Procedure Details

Examination Process for Prominent Ear Aesthetics with Thread:

A comprehensive examination assesses the gap and symmetry of the ears, with the choice of general or local anesthesia determined through mutual agreement between the patient and surgeon.

Procedure Details:

The Prominent Ear Aesthetics with Thread begins with anesthesia, and medical threads, inserted with a needle, are used to reposition the upper cartilage tissue, providing the ear with the desired angle. The procedure is repeated on the other ear, with small bands covering the needle insertion sites. Patients can monitor and control the angle during and after the process.

Here’s an overview of the process:

1. Anesthesia

Local anesthesia is typically administered to numb the ear area, ensuring the patient’s comfort during the procedure.

2. Thread Application

Thin medical threads, often made of dissolvable materials, are strategically inserted beneath the skin to reshape the ear cartilage. These threads create a supportive framework, helping to reposition the ear and reduce its prominence.

3. Cartilage Adjustment

The threads are strategically placed to manipulate the ear cartilage, correcting any irregularities that contribute to the prominent ear appearance. The surgeon carefully adjusts the threads to achieve the desired aesthetic outcome.

4. Immediate Results

Unlike surgical procedures, ear correction with thread provides immediate results. The repositioned ears contribute to a more balanced and aesthetically pleasing facial profile.

Minimal Scarring

5. Minimal Scarring

Since the procedure involves minimal incisions or punctures, scarring is minimal. The use of dissolvable threads eliminates the need for thread removal in the future.

6. Fast Recovery

The recovery period for ear correction with thread is relatively quick. Patients can typically resume normal activities shortly after the procedure, although some precautions may be recommended.

7. Follow-Up

Patients typically have follow-up appointments to monitor the healing process, assess the results, and address any concerns.

Some extra benefits of this technique

Some extra benefits of this technique include the following:

Suitable for Various Ages:

Ear correction with thread is suitable for a wide age range, including children above the age of 4. Early intervention in childhood can contribute to improved self-confidence and prevent potential teasing from peers.

Understanding Prominent Ear Aesthetics with Thread

Protective Measures:

Patients may be advised to wear a hair band for a few days post-procedure to protect the treated area and promote optimal healing.

Natural-Looking Results:

The technique aims to provide natural-looking results, with the threads creating subtle and harmonious changes to the ear’s appearance.

Post-Procedure and Recovery:

After the Prominent Ear Aesthetics with Thread, patients experience a comfortable healing process. A hair band is placed on the patient’s head, and they can immediately resume social activities. Caution is advised to protect the ears from potential impacts for a few days.

Will there be any openings after Prominent Ear Aesthetics with Thread?

Prominent Ear Aesthetics with Thread, pioneered by Op. Dr. BĆ¼lent Cihantimur proves to be an effective technique for correcting prominent ear deformities with a remarkable success rate.

Opening issues are rare, occurring in only 1% of patients, typically attributed to immediate post-surgery impacts. In such cases, the procedure can be easily repeated through revision treatments.

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Frequently Asked Questions

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Understanding Prominent Ear Aesthetics with Thread: Frequently Asked Questions

Prominent ears typically result from an innate, genetic ear angle issue. If the aesthetic appearance of prominent ears causes discomfort, individuals may seek solutions to address this pure aesthetic problem.

Prominent Ear Aesthetics with Thread is an aesthetic procedure that utilizes threads to address the prominent structure of the ear. This painless operation is applied in a brief timeframe.

Yes, Prominent Ear Aesthetics with Thread is less challenging than surgical applications, as it avoids potential risks associated with surgery. The application is more comfortable for the patient as it is performed without incisions.

This procedure is suitable for anyone over 4 years old experiencing prominent ear issues and discomfort.

The development of ears is completed by the age of 4, making Prominent Ear Aesthetics with Thread suitable for individuals beyond this age.

Yes, Prominent Ear Aesthetics with Thread can be applied between the ages of 4 and 6 to boost a child’s self-confidence and prevent potential mockery.

Instead of traditional methods involving cartilage removal, this procedure uses thin threads and needles to reposition the ear angle, leaving no marks or wounds.

There are no seasonal restrictions; the procedure can be performed in any season.

Patients can instantly resume social activities after the operation, with recommended protection against external factors for a few days.

No, no dressing is required. Patients are advised to wear a hair band for a few days.

The procedure is easy, has a rapid recovery time, involves stitching, causes no bleeding, and leaves no visible cut marks.

Like any surgical intervention, there are potential risks. The risk of ear opening is statistically similar to classic prominent ear operations.

Ā There are no prohibitions; wearing a hair band for a few days after the operation is recommended.

The level of pain is minimal, and since there are no incisions, tissue pain is avoided.

The procedure typically lasts 15-20 minutes, with some patients experiencing applications as short as 9-10 minutes.

Prominent Ear Aesthetics with Thread is mostly conducted under local anesthesia.

Meet Our Medical Team

doctor 1

Prof. Dr. Cenk Şen

Renowned for his notable contributions to reconstructive surgery, Prof. Cenk Şen from Estetik International stands out for his exceptional expertise in various plastic surgery fields like ear correction or otoplasty with laser and thread plus he is also a trailblazer in the fields of lipoderm, oral, and neck surgery.

doctor 2

Dr. BĆ¼lent Cihantimur

A graduate of Istanbul University Ƈapa Faculty of Medicine, Dr. BĆ¼lent Cihantimur specialized in Plastic Surgery at Uludağ University. Over the past 20 years, his unwavering dedication and innovative techniques have earned him numerous accolades, including The Golden Bistoury Award, The Worldā€™s Best Plastic Surgeon, and the Medical Man of the Year Award in 2014. He is one of the best to perform Otoplasty Surgery or Prominent Ear Operation with Laser.

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