Treating Under Eyes Dark Circle

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Addressing Dark Circles Under Eyes Treatment

Methods for Treating Under Eyes Circle

Treating Under Eyes Circle, commonly referred to as “Panda Eyes,” stands as a prevalent concern affecting 1 in every 6 individuals today. The under-eye region holds significant importance for various reasons, such as making eye contact and conveying a refreshed and youthful appearance.Ā 

Let’s delve into the intricacies of this skin pigmentation issue and explore effective treatments that go beyond mere cosmetic cover-ups.

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Understanding Dark Circles Under Eyes

Understanding the anatomy beneath the eyes is crucial. The thin layer of skin, lack of fat, and the presence of an orbital bone contribute to the unique features of this area. The relationship between the eyelid and cheek plays a role in creating a smooth, youthful appearance.

Dark Circles Under the Eyes are often associated with genetic triggers, making elderly individuals appear tired. While chronic illnesses can contribute to this problem, it’s crucial to explore the root causes for a tailored approach.

Understanding Dark Circles Under Eyes

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Our Treating Under Eyes Circle Package

"Revitalizing Your Gaze: The Ultimate Solution for Under Eye Circles"
Treating Under Eyes Circle Package

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Treating Under Eyes Circle Package

Price: 2500 ā‚¬ 2900 ā‚¬

  • Consultations
    • General Surgery
    • Anesthesia and Reanimation Specialist
  • Blood tests
  • Radiological Tests
  • Transfers airport-hospital-hotel
  • Interpretation service in your language
  • Expected duration of stay: 3 Days
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Fat Transfer Package

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Fat Transfer Package

Price: 2050 ā‚¬ 2450 ā‚¬

  • Consultation with the physician
  • Lab tests
  • 3 days 5* hotel accommodation
  • Fat Transfer
  • Post-op consultation
  • Transfers airport-hospital-hotel
  • Interpretation service in your language
  • Treatment Duration: 7 days
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Sephire Hair Transplant Package

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Sephire Hair Transplant Package

Price: 2200 ā‚¬ 2500 ā‚¬

  • Consultation with the physician
  • Lab tests
  • 3 days 5* hotel accommodation
  • FUE hair transplant
  • Post-op consultation
  • Transfers airport-hospital-hotel
  • Interpretation service in your language
  • Treatment Duration: 7 days
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Buttock Lift (BBL)

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Buttock Lift (BBL)

Price: 4100 ā‚¬ 4500 ā‚¬

  • Consultation with surgeon
  • Lab tests
  • 1 night hospital stay
  • Post-op consultation
  • Transfers airport-hospital-hotel
  • Interpretation service in your language
  • Treatment Duration: 7 days
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Why Do Dark Circles Occur

Why Do Dark Circles Occur?

Before deciding about the best methods for treating under eyes circle, it is good to know that several scenarios can lead to the appearance of dark circles. The key contributors are genetic factors causing increased pigmentation, volume loss, and excess skin. Dermatochalasis or excess skin on the lower eyelid can intensify the issue where surgical procedures, such as a skin pinch and fat transfer, are effective treatments for addressing volume loss and excess skin.

Genetic factors also play a role, with the skin around the eyes being notably thinā€”approximately 0.5 mm compared to the average 2 mm thickness in other areas. The hereditary thinness, combined with the red tone of blood below the skin, results in a bluish tint, contributing to the appearance of dark circles. Nasal issues, allergies, smoking, alcohol consumption, and unhealthy nutrition further compound the problem.

Contrary to popular belief, fatigue or insomnia is not the sole culprit behind dark circles. Aging exacerbates the loss of fat, muscle, and bone throughout the body, particularly around the eyes. The thinning of the fat layer surrounding the eyes can lead to the prominence of Dark Circles Under the Eyes.

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Common Causes of Dark Circles Under the Eyes

  • Loss of volume on the cheeks
  • Lack of fat tissue around the eye
  • Looseness of the lower eyelid
  • Thinning of under-eye skin
  • Smoking and alcohol use
  • Solar damage-induced hyperpigmentation
  • Extreme coffee and tea consumption
  • Insomnia or absence of quality sleep
  • Dehydration
  • Bad nutrition
  • Melasma
  • Allergies
  • Nasal obstruction
  • Medical reasons such as eczema or thyroid issues
  • Venous obstruction at eye blood vessels
  • Environmental problems
  • Heredity
Common Causes of Dark Circles Under the Eyes
Tailored Treatment for Dark Circles

Tailored Treatment for Dark Circles

As we mentioned, contrary to popular belief, not all dark circles are primarily due to skin pigmentation issues like sun damage or melasma. In cases where genetics, volume loss, or excess skin are the culprits, skincare products, including retinol and vitamin C, might not yield significant results.Ā 

It’s essential to differentiate between pigmentation-related concerns and those involving the structure and volume of the under-eye area. The contemporary approach to treating under eyes dark circles involves a range of medical and surgical applications. Clinics now offer diverse protocols to address the root cause of the problem, ensuring a comprehensive and effective solution.

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Available Treatments for Dark Circle Under The Eyes

Available Treatments for Treating Dark Circle Under Eyes

IPL (Intense Pulsed Light)

Targets blood vessels causing a purple hue, converting the dark frame to normal skin color using IPL and laser technologies.

Chemical Peeling with Laser Integration

By combining chemical peeling with laser technology, we enhance collagen production in the targeted area, thereby improving overall skin quality and eliminating Dark Circles Under the Eyes.

Hyaluronic Acid-Infused Fillers

Utilizing fillers enriched with hyaluronic acid, we address the dark appearance around the eyes. These medical fillers not only add volume to the tear trough and upper cheek area but also effectively diminish existing Dark Circles Under the Eyes, providing a plump and rejuvenated look.

Fat Transfer with Stem Cell Enrichment

Our approach involves injecting the patient’s regional fat enriched with stem cells to treat Dark Circles Under the Eyes. Unlike traditional fillers, this method offers long-lasting results, contributing to a plump and vibrant aesthetic around the eyes. The inclusion of stem cells enhances the overall success of the treatment.

Fat Transfer with Stem Cell Enrichment

Surgical Solutions - Eyelid Surgery (Blepharoplasty)

Considered one of the most effective methods for permanently treating dark circles under eyes, eyelid surgery or blepharoplasty is a surgical approach that transforms the eye area. The procedure results in a lively, fresh appearance, effectively removing Dark Circles Under the Eyes. Addressing various form defects around the eyes, forehead, and eyebrows, this surgery is recognized globally for its efficacy in resolving eye area concerns.

Surgical Solutions

At TurkCure, by focusing on individualized treatments and understanding the underlying causes, we strive to provide our patients with optimal results in the ongoing battle against Dark Circles Under Eyes.

At our partner clinic of Istanbul Quasar, we prioritize delivering maximum benefits to our patients through diverse treatment protocols for under-eye dark circles.

Understanding the root cause is fundamental before embarking on any treatment journey. Experts at Istanbul Quasar conduct a thorough examination to identify the specific factors contributing to your under-eye dark circles. If there’s an underlying issue triggering the problem, their focus is on addressing that primary cause first.

By adopting a holistic approach, surgeons and experts at Istanbul Quasar strive to not just treat the visible concern but also target any related factors that may be exacerbating the condition. To know how we can work together to achieve the best results in addressing under-eye dark circles fill out the form on the bottom.Ā 

Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā Other face & body operations you might be interested in:Ā 

FAQs on Dark Circle Under The Eyes

Involves surgical intervention or a less invasive subcutaneous gel-like filling application.

Adequate sleep, hydration, and a healthy lifestyle can help. Topical treatments like eye creams, cold compresses, and lifestyle changes may also be effective.

Yes, genetics can play a role in the development of dark circles. If your family members have them, you may be more prone.

Yes, insufficient sleep can contribute to the development of dark circles. Ensure you get 7-9 hours of quality sleep each night.

Depending on the cause, treatments may include topical creams, chemical peels, laser therapy, or fillers. Consult a dermatologist for personalized advice.

Aging can lead to a loss of collagen and fat around the eyes, making blood vessels more visible and contributing to the appearance of dark circles.

Yes, allergies can lead to inflammation and swelling, making the blood vessels more visible, and resulting in dark circles.

Cucumber slices can provide a temporary soothing effect, but they may not address the underlying causes. Professional treatments might be more effective.

Yes, a balanced diet rich in vitamins and minerals can contribute to overall skin health, potentially reducing the appearance of dark circles.

If your dark circles persist despite lifestyle changes, or if they are accompanied by other symptoms, it’s advisable to consult with a dermatologist or healthcare professional for a thorough evaluation.

Meet Our Medical Team

Dr. Gina Moret

Dr. Gina Moret

Dr. Moret, originally from Brazil, graduated from FESO University in 2008. She is a board-certified physician with expertise in the advanced application of dermal fillers, botulinum toxin, and the spider web technique. Dr. Moret specializes in minimally invasive holistic aesthetic and regenerative medicine, known for her artistic and natural approach to aesthetics.

Dr. Ƈağatay GĆ¼ngƶrsun

Dr. Ƈağatay GĆ¼ngƶrsun

A graduate of Ataturk University Medical Faculty, Dr. Ƈağatay GĆ¼ngƶrsĆ¼n specializes in medical aesthetic applications such as fillers, botox, and non-surgical aesthetic procedures which makes him a prime choice for you if you are thinking of removing dark circles under your eyes.

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